Avent 2 Classic+ Teats




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Avent Classic+ Teats is designed to prevent air from entering your baby's tummy to reduce colic and discomfort. The valve integrated into the teat prevents a vacuum from forming while your baby is drinking and the air is returned to the bottom of the bottle. This keeps the air inside the bottle and does not get into your baby's tummy, reducing bloating, colic, and reflux.

If you are breastfeeding, we suggest staying with the Natural First Flow teat because it is designed to match the flow rate of the mother.
If your child becomes frustrated at meal times, you may see them suckling hard then pulling away crying and suckling hard again. When your baby is taking longer than 20 to 30 minutes to finish a bottle; this may be an indication that the flow is too slow. If this is the case, change to a teat with a higher flow rate.
If your baby has to let go of the teat, is spilling milk, is getting too much milk to swallow or milk is dripping between the lips and the teat, the flow rate might be too fast and you should change to a teat with a lower flow rate.