Sesderma Sensyses Sebum Cleanser - 200 ml




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  • Eliminates Water-soluble And Oil-soluble Impurities.
  • Controls Sebum Excess.
  • Has Calming Action And Reduces Bacterial Growth.
  • Normalizes Lipid Balance By Increasing The Proportion Of Linoleic Acid At The Expense Of The Oxidized Squalene Typical Of Acne-prone Skins.
  • Reinforces The Skin’s Natural Defense System, Making It More Resistant To
  • External Aggressors, Bacteria Or Any Other Condition.
  • Prevents The Appearance Of Post-pimple Blemishes (Post-inflammatory Pigmentation) Through The Inhibition Of Tyronase.

Facial cleansing tailored to the needs of your skin. The new generation of liposomal water solutions to cleanse and remove make-up while repairing your skin and maintaining its balance.
Specifically formulated for the daily cleansing of oily, acne-prone skin. It controls sebum excess and its effects are purifying, calming and balancing. As you can see, it’s more than a simple cleanser, the perfect ally against pimples and impurities.

 Zinc liposomes - Copper sulphate liposomes - Phytosphingosine liposomes - Azeloglycine - Gingko-Biloba - Thyme - Cetylpyridinium chloride and Oligosaccharides.

Press the pump to soak the cotton pad and clean the area with the pad to remove all traces of impurities from the skin. Don’t forget the neck area.
Cleanse your skin in the morning and at night, regardless of whether you were wearing make-up or not. This is the first step to reveal a healthy, beautiful skin.
Then, apply your regular beauty treatment, in the day or at night.