Advancis Selenium Ace D

$13.50 $16.90 Save $3.40



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  • Protects The Cells Against Unwanted Oxidation
  • Promotes Skin Health And Bones
  • Helps In The Smooth Functioning Of The Immune System

Advancis® Selenium ACE D is a food supplement with selenium, zinc, alpha-lipoic acid and vitamins, especially designed to protect the cells against unwanted oxidation, to promote skin health and bones and to help in the smooth functioning of the immune system.
The selenium, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin E contribute to the protection of cells against undesirable oxidation. It also contains vitamin A which contributes to the maintenance of normal skin and vitamin C that helps in the normal formation of collagen, two essential nutrients to ensure a beautiful skin.

Selenim-Zinc-Vitamin A-Vitamin E-ALA

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